Allowing Your Face Breathe

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If you answered honestly, imagine the number of products on your face multiplied by 365/366 days in a year.  You will be shocked to realize what your face is consuming. This could either clog your pores, give your face a dull appearance or even harm your overall skin.

Since, the face is the first thing people look at when they see you, it means your face is your identity, so be kind to it, pamper it, love it.

In the course of our day to day activities, especially with our poluted environment, we are faced with all kinds of impurities, dirts from our environment and they build up on our makeup (face) and every other part of our skin.

This is why it is important to:

-Wash off your makeup after each application everyday
-Use a cleanser for your skin type
-Exfoliate (once or twice a week depending on your skin type)
-Use good makeup products (check expiry dates)
- ALLOW YOUR FACE BREATHE from time to time
We all need oxygen to breathe and so does our face/skin.

Would you like to have fragrances, oxides, preservatives, and oils on your face everyday?
I am sure your answer would be NO.

In truth, this is what all makeup products are made of. So, imagine you going to bed everyday without taking your makeup off. That would be like sentencing your face to clogged pores, acne and all sorts of facial bumps.

Choose a day or two in a week as your makeup free day (way better) or a minimal makeup day (if you can’t go makeup free). For a minimal makeup day it’s best to use one or two products at most on your face avoiding foundations, concealers, brown powders as all these have some oil content.

Yes I love makeup but I love my face too, so here’s the key word: BALANCE

Keep your face healthy while making yourself happy, cause it's the only face you've got!