So I was having this discussion about engagement rings with my friend and the whole paparazzi that goes with.
His argument was that these days, girls use it as a form of show off and guys have to go all the way in the name of impressing, some even go as far as using their life savings to buy an engagement ring and propose in the most romantic way that has never been done before in the history of fairy tale.
He kept laying emphasis on the fact that what pisses him off the most is the show off on bbm and social media with phrases like….Guess who’s off the market….ME! He proposed and I said Yes! Here comes MRS …..! I am engaged! etc.
To his questions: Why do ladies act utterly excited and surprised to know they are engaged, as if they didn’t know it will eventually happen? Why would you date and get all serious if it is not for the ultimate end called marriage? Why do the girls feel happier and display it more than the guys? Is it a guarantee that the wedding will eventually hold or that the marriage will last?
Do all guys feel this way too?
So my argument was this: If you have to impress your woman to buy her a ring then you guys are not being real to each other…..more like a ‘faketionship’ not a ‘relationship’. The engagement ring is a sign of commitment and love….and what really does matter and is most important in all of this is that you really feel that LOVE for each other that makes you want to make a commitment with a symbol….a ring.
With all of this, I decided to do a quick research on engagement rings. The origin of engagement ring dates back as far as ancient Rome. The position of the engagement ring was chosen as the ‘RING FINGER’ because it was believed that the ring finger was made up of a vein that connects to the heart. Well, since we profess love with phrases using the heart, I can understand the sense in it.
Cupid in Roman Mythology was the god of erotic love/attraction, signified by small winged boy, blindfolded, carrying bow and arrows. It was believed that cupid arrows had a tip of diamond, so in the Middle Age, diamond became significant for undying love. And that is actually why today most engagement rings have diamond stones.
Engagement Ring with Diamond Stones |
Engagement Ring with Gem stone (Ruby) |
So, yes, it is true that it is a borrowed western culture, but think about it…..What don’t we borrow from the western world? We literally borrow almost everything.….and really LIFE IS A BLEND OF DIFFERENT CULTURES.
These days’ diamond stones are now being replaced for gem stones depending on your taste and the significance of the gemstone to you. It’s all supposed to happen once in a life time (although these days marriages crash like pack of cards).
What is your opinion? Ladies/Guys help me out here…..the argument is still on.