Beauty Continua

Happy New Year Sugeez, hoping this year brings us all the very best. I hope to keep you all up to date with beautiful makeup tips, promise to give you lots of tutorials on 'how tos' and spice up the blog with exciting/creative images from my works. Please do me the favour by popping in, spreading the blog link as well as giving me comments/feedbacks to help serve you better. Meanwhile, keeping up with blogging is not easy o #cleans sweat#,  got so busy lazy that I almost forgot to post the shoot I had last year with my models, Ada and Ore #thanks girls for giving me your beautiful faces to work with# and to 'Prince' the photographer for doing an amazing job. Here are the pictures, and do let me know what you think #winks#.

                                                      One step away from achieving the butterfly look

VIOLA!!!! Here's  my own creation of the butterfly look

                                                                                             Loud and Out Look!!!!